5 Signs That You Need To See A Periodontist
Periodontists are dental providers who specialise in periodontal diseases. This refers to any dental anomaly weakening the structures surrounding the teeth. This includes the gums, the periodontal pockets and the surrounding bone structures under the gums. Periodontal care is important to avert periodontal disease, which often leads to tooth loss if not treated on time. To avoid this from happening, you should seek the help of a periodontist if you have:
Inflamed gums
Inflamed gums are often a sign of dental trouble. You can tell your gums are inflamed if they have reddened, are swollen or are painful to the touch. With inflamed gums, a periodontist will check if you are exhibiting any signs of periodontal disease. If it's a harmless infection, antibacterial medication may suffice. However, if not, the periodontist may need to carry out periodontal probing to check for deeper root infection. In complicated cases, removal of infected gum (debridement) may be required.
Bleeding gums
Bleeding gums (gingivitis) are often closely associated with periodontal disease. It's therefore important to see a periodontist if you experience the same. When you do, you will be examined for gum inflammation, loose gums and periodontitis. In most cases, the periodontist will also carry out root planning (cleaning of the periodontal surfaces and pockets) as well.
Accumulation of plaque and tartar
Plaque and tartar are common causes of periodontal disease. They allow bacteria to accumulate around the teeth, and later affect the gums and bone structures that support them. If you have plaque or tartar, seek root planning and scaling services from a periodontist. This will greatly reduce chances of getting periodontitis. You will also get professional advice on how to keep your teeth clean through regular brushing and flossing.
Receded gums
Receded gums are also loosely associated with periodontitis. They may be caused by it, or they may encourage bacteria to get into periodontal spaces. If you have receding gums, a periodontist will first check if you have periodontal infection. If you do, periodontal therapy will commence. If you don't have periodontitis, the periodontist will propose gum lifts and softer brushing to reverse the situation. Inlays may also be proposed for cavities created by the receded gums.
Loose teeth
Lastly, you should see a periodontist if you experience loose teeth. Once periodontal disease sets in, it destroys structures that keep teeth in place, hence causing shaky teeth. A periodontist will first ascertain if the cause is due to periodontitis or weak gums. If it's the former, periodontal therapy will commence. This will include root planning and taking of medication. If the periodontitis is advanced, bone and tooth implants may be an option.
The sooner you see a periodontist in the above cases, the sooner periodontitis can be identified (or ruled out) and treatment initiated. This will help save your tooth and costlier treatments down the road. Contact a periodontist, such as Dr Edmond Lobaza, for more information.