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What Is An Endodontic Treatment?

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Simply put, endodontics is the term dentists use for root canal treatment. Some people worry that this sort of treatment will be painful or that it might cause further harm to their teeth, but this is not the case. With a professional carrying out the procedure, teeth that otherwise might be lost can be saved. Read on to find out why you might need an endodontic procedure, the symptoms that might indicate it is an appropriate treatment method and how it is carried out.

Why Might You Need Root Canal Treatment?

There are three main reasons why a root canal procedure will be needed. This first is down to tooth decay. If decay reaches into the dental pulp that extends into the root of the tooth, then an ordinary filling will not be sufficient to arrest the problem. In such cases, an endodontic treatment will be needed to save the remaining pulp in the tooth's root. Bear in mind that some teeth have more than one root, so they will all need to be treated to save the tooth. The second reason you may need a treatment of this kind is that your filling is leaking and this has caused the pulp behind it to become infected down into the root. Finally, you may have suffered an injury, such as a blow to the mouth, which means that the root canal has become damaged and a repair is consequently necessary.

What Indications Are There That Suggest Endodontics May Be Useful?

Sometimes, a routine inspection of your teeth may uncover root canal damage. However, you may also notice problems even before you visit your dentist. This is likely due to pain you suffer as the exposed pulp comes into contact with things like hot fluids. Pain when you chew or bite something is also an indication of a potential problem with the root of your tooth. Equally, some people will notice that a tooth that has become wobbly, an indication that the root is not as strong as it once was.

What Happens When An Endodontic Treatment Is Given?

Unlike a conventional filling, an endodontic treatment will involve removing the bacteria from the pulp of the infected tooth so that further decay will not occur. After the dentist is satisfied that the inside of the tooth is as healthy as it can be, the tooth itself will then be sealed. Although this may be done with a filling, a crown may also be an appropriate way to prevent further bacteria from attacking the internal part of the tooth.

For more information about root canal treatment, talk to a dentist.
